Artificial Eye


In medical training, the Department of Ophthalmology for diagnosing ocular complications using high-frequency ultrasound (ocular ultrasonography) has been limited to theoretical instruction. This lack of practical training can result in diagnostic errors when dealing with real patients. Accurate diagnosis, especially for localizing masses or foreign objects within the eye, requires continuous practice to identify abnormalities or foreign objects accurately and without confusion. To address this, researchers have developed artificial eyes or ocular models to enhance the training process. These models allow for effective learning and practice in diagnosing ocular complications using ultrasonography and improve skills in identifying eye abnormalities through hands-on practice.

Technology readiness level





Technology strengths

“Helps to develop the skills necessary for performing procedures on eye abnormalities in patients using high-frequency ultrasound diagnostic equipment (Ultrasonography) until proficiency is achieved.

Helps to accurately diagnose abnormalities and effectively differentiate types of foreign objects in a patient’s eye, such as raised or flat lumps, metal fragments, or wood splinters.

Helps to accurately locate the position of foreign objects.


Assoc. Prof. Supalert Prakhunhungsit  and colleagues

Coordinator: Technology Commercialization
