The robotic arm system for changing air sample cartridges to measure the quantity of radiation in the air

เซลล์ภูมิคุ้มกันบำบัดที-เซลล์ แบบลูกผสมที่มีความจำเพาะต่อโปรตีนของเซลล์มะเร็งเต้านม


    The measurement of iodine radiation levels in the workplace air can be done using an air sampling device that draws air through sample cartridges. The preferred cartridges for collecting iodine vapor samples are charcoal cartridges. After collecting the air samples, the sample cartridges are taken to a radiation measurement device. This process usually involves radiation safety personnel or workers in changing and placing new sample cartridges into the air sampling device, which may pose risks of contamination and increased radiation exposure. To address this, an automated robotic arm system for changing sample cartridges to measure radiation levels in the air has been developed. This system works in tandem with specially designed computer programs, ensuring a faster and safer process compared to manual cartridge changing by radiation safety personnel or workers.

Technology readiness level





Technology strengths

The system is capable of collecting air samples, measuring background radiation levels in the sample cartridges, measuring radiation levels in the sample cartridges, and automatically changing the sample cartridges.

Reduce the chances of contamination from the air sample cartridges and ensure safety.

Users can pre-program steps according to the specified procedures and change air sample cartridges for continuous air monitoring.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krisanat Chuamsaamarkkee and colleagues

Coordinator: Technology Commercialization
