CHEM Meter
Salinity detector in food samples

เซลล์ภูมิคุ้มกันบำบัดที-เซลล์ แบบลูกผสมที่มีความจำเพาะต่อโปรตีนของเซลล์มะเร็งเต้านม


        CHEM Meter has been developed to measure the level of salt in the form of sodium chloride (%NaCl) in grams per 100 milliliters (g/100ml). The general public can use it, including medical personnel who need to analyze sodium levels in the laboratory or medical service points. The operation of this salt measuring device is based on conductivity, where the amount of electric current passing through the food sample varies directly with the amount of sodium chloride, allowing the system to quickly calculate the percentage of sodium chloride.

Technology readiness level





Technology strengths

Developed to be suitable for Thai cuisine, it is user-friendly, allowing users to understand measurement results through human face icons and numbers

Can be self-calibration

Small and portable, making it convenient to use.

Measuring salt content relies on the fundamental principle of measuring electrical conductivity and signal amplification circuits.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yodchanan Wongsawat
and Brain Computer Interface Lab Researcher teams

Coordinator: Technology Commercialization
