Recipe and procedure Facial care gel
from Mulberry

เซลล์ภูมิคุ้มกันบำบัดที-เซลล์ แบบลูกผสมที่มีความจำเพาะต่อโปรตีนของเซลล์มะเร็งเต้านม


            Stilbenoids such as mulberroside A, oxyresveratrol, and resveratrol are important compounds used as quality markers for mulberry extract. They have properties that promote skin clarity and antioxidant effects. Typically, methanol is commonly used as a solvent for extracting these compounds from mulberry due to its efficiency. However, due to safety concerns and the difficulty in removing residual toxic substances, methanol is not suitable for cosmetics or dietary supplement formulations. Researchers have therefore developed a highly efficient ultrafiltration solvent system capable of extracting high levels of stilbenoid compounds from mulberry, comparable to methanol, while demonstrating skin-brightening properties, confirming the efficacy of the extract.

Technology readiness level





Technology strengths

Help reduce the use of toxic organic solvents.

Reduce the cost of disposing of residual solvents and waste from organic solvents.

Safe for consumers and the environment.

Ready-to-use extracts as cosmetics ingredients without the need for further processing.


Assist. Prof. Dr. Tharita Kitisripanya and colleagues

Coordinator: Technology Commercialization
