เซลล์ภูมิคุ้มกันบำบัดที-เซลล์ แบบลูกผสมที่มีความจำเพาะต่อโปรตีนของเซลล์มะเร็งเต้านม


            There are many types of fungi. Some have very similar characteristics, while others have distinctly different shapes. The method of classifying fungi is crucial for accurately identifying and indicating their strains, and minimizing contamination from fungal cultures is essential. Therefore, the development of a new type of slide placement equipment for fungal cultivation can significantly reduce the time needed for repetition, decrease the amount of nutrients required for cultivation, and reduce the presence of other contaminants when using traditional slide-based fungal cultivation techniques.

Technology readiness level





Technology strengths

It can increase the number of slides to as many as 8 per petri dish for fungal cultivation, which is four times more than the basic slide-based fungal cultivation method.

Reduce repetition time

Reduce the amount of food used for cultivation.

Reduce the presence of other contaminating fungal species by using the traditional slide culture technique.


Lalita Matthapan and colleagues

Coordinator: Technology Commercialization

