The process of coating materials by immersing layer by layer with antibacterial chemicals

เซลล์ภูมิคุ้มกันบำบัดที-เซลล์ แบบลูกผสมที่มีความจำเพาะต่อโปรตีนของเซลล์มะเร็งเต้านม


            Dip coating is a technique that allows chemical substances to penetrate the surface of various materials, such as both internal and external medical devices. It can also coat surfaces with nanoscale thickness by controlling the number of coating cycles. Generally, it is commonly used for small-sized medical equipment only. Researchers have thus developed a method of coating materials by immersing them layer by layer with chemical substances possessing antibacterial properties, which can be applied to larger equipment.

Technology readiness level





Technology strengths

Short coating time.

The coating process can be directly applied to medical devices or finished surfaces.

It can be applied to a variety of medical materials.


Assoc.Prof. Dr. Norased Nasongkla

Coordinator: Technology Commercialization
